Tea Leaf Green looking for a Kickstart on their New CD

Tea Leaf Green


Click here to go to the official Tea Leaf Green Store


It’s only been a week and we’ve already raised over 60% of our Kickstarter goal! You all totally ROCK! For those who have already pledged, we cannot thank you enough. A voracious fire has been lit beneath us, a hurricane has been unleashed, we are going to climb to the top of this mountain and we’re going to shoot a megaton of fireworks into the heedless night sky! We’re making the best Tea Leaf record ever – together with you. We won’t let you down. We love you! Watch our story and join us at http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/tealeafgreen/tea-leaf-green-new-studio-album

We’ve also got some new rewards to offer, so please keep the pledges coming!

New Rewards Just Added:

  • Two tickets to the headlining show of your choice, plus choose a song for the band to perform that night + a vinyl edition of album + CD + Digital Download.
  • Choose a song for the band to record in the studio and send to you with a personalized message + CD + digital download.
  • A copy of the recently released ‘Live at State Bridge’ DVD, a limited edition poster commemorating the DVD and autographed by the band, a digital audio download of ‘Live at State Bridge’, a vinyl edition of the new album + CD + Digital Download.

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